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02 Aug 2024

10 Recommendations to Managing Safety and Efficiency in Generative AI from McKinsey

The adoption of Generative AI (Gen AI) in enterprises offers transformative potential but comes with significant risks. To harness these benefits while managing associated risks, McKinsey outlines several critical recommendations. Here’s a concise summary of their guidance on implementing Gen AI with both speed and safety.

1. Prioritize Hyperattentive Observability

Gen AI models, by their probabilistic nature, can produce inconsistent results. Frequent updates to underlying models can exacerbate this issue. Therefore, companies need robust observability tools to monitor these AI applications in real-time. These tools should track metrics like response time, accuracy, and user satisfaction. When discrepancies arise, such as inaccurate or inappropriate responses, the tools should alert the development team for immediate adjustments. This proactive monitoring is essential to maintaining the reliability and safety of Gen AI systems.

2. Emphasize End-to-End Automation

Effective implementation of Gen AI requires automating the entire workflow—from data wrangling and integration to model monitoring and risk review. McKinsey’s research indicates that high-performing Gen AI users embed testing and validation into their release processes. Leveraging a modern MLOps platform can significantly expedite time-to-production and optimize cloud resource utilization. This end-to-end approach ensures that all aspects of the AI lifecycle are managed efficiently and safely.

3. Manage Costs Proactively

Gen AI can be cost-intensive, primarily due to the scale of data usage and model interactions. McKinsey recommends focusing on four cost realities:

  • Change Management Costs: Managing the human aspect of AI adoption often costs more than the development itself. Effective change management, involving end-users early in the solution design, can mitigate these expenses.
  • Running Costs: Operating Gen AI applications incurs higher costs compared to their development. Regular maintenance of models and data pipelines, as well as risk and compliance management, are significant cost drivers.
  • Cost Optimization: Continuous efforts to optimize costs are necessary. Tools like preloading embeddings can drastically reduce costs per query.
  • ROI-Based Investment: Not all AI interactions need the same level of investment. Prioritizing low-latency, high-ROI applications can help manage expenses effectively.

4. Tame Tool and Infrastructure Proliferation

Many enterprises face challenges with the proliferation of platforms, tools, and models, which complicates scaling efforts. A streamlined approach is crucial. Companies should select a manageable set of tools and infrastructures to avoid the “wild west” scenario of disparate systems. This consolidation aids in reducing complexity and operational costs, facilitating smoother, scaled deployments of Gen AI solutions.

5. Involve End Users Early and Often

To ensure the practical utility and safety of Gen AI applications, it’s vital to involve domain experts from the beginning. Their insights help shape the logic underlying AI models, ensuring these systems align with the company’s context and data. This early involvement can also enhance user acceptance and trust in the AI solutions deployed.

6. Develop a Comprehensive Governance Framework

Governance is a cornerstone of safe Gen AI implementation. McKinsey emphasizes the importance of establishing policies and procedures that cover every stage of the AI lifecycle, from development to deployment and monitoring. This framework should also address ethical considerations, ensuring that AI usage aligns with the organization’s values and regulatory requirements.

7. Enhance Data Management Practices

Effective data management is crucial for Gen AI success. This includes ensuring data quality, integrity, and security. Regular audits and compliance checks should be conducted to maintain high standards. Additionally, companies should implement robust data governance policies to oversee data usage and management.

8. Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning and Adaptation

AI technologies and their applications evolve rapidly. Organizations must cultivate a culture that encourages continuous learning and adaptation. This involves upskilling employees, staying abreast of AI advancements, and being agile enough to incorporate new developments into existing AI frameworks.

9. Implement Rigorous Testing and Validation

Continuous testing and validation of AI models are essential to ensure they function as intended. This includes stress-testing models under various scenarios to identify potential weaknesses. Regular validation helps maintain model accuracy and reliability over time.

10. Prioritize Ethical AI Deployment

Ethical considerations should be integral to AI deployment strategies. This involves ensuring transparency in AI operations, safeguarding user privacy, and mitigating biases within AI models. Ethical AI practices build trust and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

By adhering to these recommendations, enterprises can effectively implement Gen AI while managing the associated risks. This balanced approach allows organizations to reap the benefits of AI innovation while safeguarding against potential pitfalls.

For a more detailed analysis and additional insights, you can refer to the original McKinsey article on implementing generative AI with speed and safety.

Read the full article from McKensey & Company here.